Omolola Akintunde – The Unchangeable God

Omolola Akintunde - The Unchangeable God

Omolola Akintunde

Newly released by Omolola Akintunde – The Unchangeable God.

Omolola Akintunde the Gospel Talented Minister/Worshiper artiste is here again with new inspirational Trending song tittle: The Unchangeable God.

This song is dedicated to the most high God.
It was another privilege for me to perceived the mightiness of my father as the unstoppable.

unquestionable and Unchangeable most high God.
It really been good to know whom God is and how great he was yesterday, he’s still today, would be tomorrow and forever.

Let’s fully hopped in him that our glory, destiny, future and career may be unstoppable and Unchangeable for the wicked ones, Glory be to God in highest.

Unchangeable God Lyrics.

You are Lord…
You never fail…
That’s why you are Lord.
You remain the same..
You never change…

Kabio si oo…
Ko seni bi re..

Whatever he says;
It will comes to pass.
It will never change;
It will never fail..

Resp: 2ce
Whatever he says;
It will comes to pass.
It will never change;
He will never fail.

Let it rain..
In my life…
Ojo ko roo…
Simi lo rii…
Oh eeeee……
Oh ahhhh….
Ojo ko ro….
Simi Lori e
Ojo aanu re o..
Ko to let mi Lori I
Let it rain..
In my life…
Ojo aanu re..
Kobale saye mi…


He raised me up..
He lift me high…
Oh oh oh ooo
Oun sa loba…
He raised me up eeeehhhh
Oun latoba Jaye oo
Eyin lo olorun..
Kosoba bii ree….


You are Lord
You never fail
That’s why you are Lord..
Oh oh oh….
you remain the same…
You never change…
Oh ..oh..oh

Stream Omolola Akintunde – The Unchangeable God.

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